Jeditable – popis parametrů

Odesláno v August 26, 2022 | Kategorie Javascript | Leave a Comment

JEditable je plugin pro JQuery který umí odeslat jakýkoliv formulář pomocí AJAXu.

name | String |POST parameter name of edited content
id | String |POST parameter name of edited div id
submitdata | Hash | Extra parameters to send when submitting edited content.
type | String |text, textarea or select
rows | Integer |number of rows if using textarea
cols | Integer |number of columns if using textarea
height | Mixed |’auto’, ‘none’ or height in pixels
width | Mixed |’auto’, ‘none’ or width in pixels
loadurl | String |URL to fetch external content before editing
loadtype | String |Request type for load url. Should be GET or POST.
loadtext | String |Text to display while loading external content.
loaddata | Hash |Extra parameters to pass when fetching content before editing.
data | String |Or content given as paramameter.
indicator | String |indicator html to show when saving
tooltip | String |optional tooltip text via title attribute
event | String |jQuery event such as ‘click’ of ‘dblclick’
onblur | String |’cancel’, ‘submit’ or ‘ignore’
submit | String |submit button value, empty means no button
cancel | String |cancel button value, empty means no button
cssclass | String |CSS class to apply to input form. ‘inherit’ to copy from parent.
style | String |Style to apply to input form ‘inherit’ to copy from parent.
select | String |true or false, when true text is highlighted
placeholder | String |Placeholder text or html to insert when element is empty.


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